Sunday, May 8, 2016

The backstory of this adventure

I thought my first post should be a bit more about how I got started on this adventure and what exactly I'll be doing in Wyoming for the next 4 months.

First off, I love to explore new places, and have had a burning desire for a while to see Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park the past few years. My itching to get to see the area in person and to get to photograph it has grown over the past few months.

Working at a ranch has been something I've wanted to do for a while, ever since mom began to tell me more about the ranch she used to work at, but had put it on the back-burner as I've been involved with and worked for a children's ministry for several years and we always had camps during the summer. But I knew that one day, when I felt like it was time to move on from spending my summers doing these wonderful camps and do something new, I'd pursue that dream then.
This was the year, and knew this summer was the time to jump at this chance, in between jobs, and while I was not tied down here in any significant way.

So after some thought, and some prayer, I decided to search for ranches in Wyoming, close to Yellowstone. After doing lots of searching, and finding some beautiful ranches, I came across the Gros Ventre River Ranch. The website was very helpful, and I was able to really get an idea of staff opportunities and what the ranch was like through the website: 
The more I read about it, and after seeing the stunning photos of the ranch, I felt a peace about applying.
What really appealed to me was the fact that it was so small (40 guests a week) very family friendly, and the location is pretty much perfect. I mean, you have a gorgeous view of the Teton Mountains from the ranch. Doesn't get much better than that :D

This ranch is not a part of any ministry and is just a guest ranch.
They have horse back riding with lovely views, and fly fishing on the river that runs right though the ranch.

So, after more thought, prayer, I took that first step towards my dream and applied. I didn't feel too confidant about the interview (it was my first one) but the lady who I talked to (she runs the ranch with her husband) was very kind and easy to talk with.
About three days after that, I got an email, saying they were offering me the position! I was absolutely floored, humbled, and crazy excited.

I am in the housekeeping/wait staff position. So some days I'll be cleaning cabins and sometime doing the nightly turn-down service, and other days serving food, washing dishes, etc. Those will the longer days. I'll typically have one day off a week.

I drive out May 17th. My parents and sister are driving out there with me and we're getting to spend some time in Colorado :D
I arrive at the ranch on May 25th, then they'll fly home leaving me with the car.

The season is from June 5th-October 2nd.
I'm leaving in 9 days which is making my head spin!! Still so much to do in preparation.

I have had so many people praying for me when I first interviewed and encouraging me, and so many people rejoicing with me after I got accepted and praying for me as I've counted down the days.
So, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has shown me support, given me notes and precious gifts, put together going away get-togethers for me, and have prayed for me. Every encouraging word and hug has meant the world to me.

Anyways, I hope this gives y'all a better picture of what I'll be doing this summer, and I also really hope y'all enjoy my updates, pictures, and likely lots of stories of all the crazy things I'm doing :)

You can find me on Facebook under Lindsey Ragland and on Instagram as: lraglandphotography
I'll be posting some photos there, but plan to mostly put them on the blog as time and good internet connection allows.

It's getting real y'all!! What an incredible dream come true.
And don't worry, I'll be sure and take plenty of photos to share with y'all :)

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