Thursday, June 16, 2016

Snap shots of my world.

Ok. So I know I haven't posted in ever so long and I apologize for that!
I have to come into town to get good wifi on my computer and I haven't made time to sit down while in town to do another post, until now.
Eventually I'll do a post on the last half of our road trip out here, but wanted to go ahead and post some snapshots from around the ranch and the stunning views of the Tetons literally right down the road.

There were lots of mixed feelings as we drove across the border from Colorado to Wyoming. Anticipation of what I was about to see and experience, dread of knowing I was about to be separated from my family for 4 1/2 months, some fear, wondering if I was crazy to do this, but LOTS of excitement of finally getting to see and live in this state after the years of dreaming of seeing it's beauty with my own eyes.

The drive was pretty flat and it was interesting to see the landscape change as we got closer and closer to the mountains.

Heading over the pass. It was pretty nasty weather up there, but the snow was so beautiful.

Then a little while after we crossed over the pass, the rain clouds cleared, and suddenly the Tetons appeared in front of us and I got my first glimpse of them. It was a moment I'll never forget, the moment a dream came true and the excitement and wonder that filled me. I might have started crying :)

Welcome to the ranch! It's a pretty special place.

The main lodge

The front porch welcomes you to sit in a rocker and get a cup of water, tea, or lemonade from the crocks we keep filled on the porch.

The sitting room which provides a lovely view of the Mtns across the pasture.

and the lovely dining room which has a few of the Gros Ventre River.

Looking down the road that leads out of the ranch.
We have 5 cabins and 4 lodges.

Myself, and another girl I work with, live on the backside (the right side) of this cabin.

And the view across the pasture. Isn't is stunning?

The road the ranch is off of.

Found a pretty great hammock spot with quite the view.

One day, before the guests began arriving, we did a staff ride. I did two rides and needless to say 5 hrs in the saddle left my legs pretty sore and my neck roasted, but man was it worth it. And the views.. Just wow.

This sweeping view of the mountains is less than 10 minutes from the ranch.
I've explored it some, but hope to do more soon.

and the wildflowers are gorgeous here.

Anyone want to fly up and go exploring with me?!?!

We've seen some lovely sunsets from the ranch, but those will come in a separate post :)

I got to finally see Grand Teton National Park yesterday and man was I blown away. It's crazy beautiful and I can't wait to explore it more and make my way up in Yellowstone hopefully on my next day off!
Photos coming in my next blog post as I've done a good bit of exploring and picture taking :)

Yesterday marked 3 weeks since I arrived here. It's crazy! I've learned so much, seen so much, and meet so many people.
It was just us staff for about a week and a half before the first group of guests came in. We spent that time preparing the ranch (I had lots of practice cleaning the cabins and lodges as we got them ready) spent time as staff going into town a few times together, went to a rodeo, had several bonfires, and getting trained in house keeping and waitressing.
This is our second week of guests being and so far things have been going smoothly! We're still learning, a LOT, but making progress.

The girls I work with are great and we've gotten along quite well and are working well together as a team, helping each other out, and trying to laugh while we work, even when it gets exhausting.
There have been hard, long days that leave me drained, and sometimes wondering if I'm up for the challenge or feeling like I couldn't do anything right that day, and wondering what I'm doing. But over all it's been SO amazing. Really challenging and hard, but so wondeful.

It's gotten me out of my comfort zone, especially as I'm not used to getting up around 5:40 on a regular basis, and sometimes working and/or going strong 6:30am-9:30pm or later (usually with some breaks though) on some days, but it's been so SO good for me. It's days like that when I really have to rely on the Lord.

On days I'm housekeeping we usually get done around 2:30-3:00 (when we get really fast at it we'll be done by 1:00 usually) but days I'm waitressing are longer. So far that's been a good experience! I'm slowly getting the hang of it, and the guests I've been serving has been very gracious and kind.

So needless to say I'm completely head over heals in love with this wonderful ranch and STUNNING scenery all around me. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work here and so thankful to have this opportunity.

Please pray that I would have the strength to press on each day, that I would rely on the Lord's strength, and that I would be a light to my fellow staff.
Also, I am not able to attend Church on Sundays which has been hard and I've been missing fellowship with other believers (Sunday is our turn over day and usually quite long) so please also pray that I would be intentional to spend time in the word.

I miss you all back home, especially my Church family, but know I'm doing well and am not missing the humidity and heat back home. At all :)
The past few days have felt like early spring and it's been perfectly lovely.

Sorry Alabama, but I do believe I've fallen in love with another state :D


  1. I Love it! Its Gorgeous out there! Praying for you to be a witness. Love you! :*

  2. Thanks for sharing all of the beautiful pictures of your dream come true! Be Safe and Have Fun!
